Short answer: Yes. And you can buy one today.
This is the Eye-Fi Pro X2 and it allows you to upload photos to your computer or the internet straight from your digital camera - wirelessly. The Eye-Fi Pro X2 supports 802.11b/g/n and can also connect to ad-hoc servers which means you can upload to a laptop or computer without the need for an access point.
With this wireless business, the Eye-Fi Pro X2 can practically have an 'Endless Memory' by deleting files from the card as they are uploaded - but with 8GB of storage, most people will manage fine without it.
This does come a bit pricey, US$149.99 from the website, but it could be worth it since this technology is revolutionary and I believe everyone will wirelessly uploading photos whether with Eye-Fi cards or in the future, built-in Wi-Fi in digital camera's. [Photo: Engadget]
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